Archived Episodes
Practicing Radical Universal Love
Do you have the courage to love radically? What does it look like to choose love above all else over and over? This hour is filled with just the encouragement that you need to get back on ...
Focus, Listening Skills, Full Spectrum Listening with special guest Brett Hill
Discover new way to learn minduflness that are socially focused, rather thatn meditation focused with Mindful-Somatic Coach and Coach Trainer Brett Hill! Watch
How to choose the right coach for you
Are you skeptical about getting a Life, Mindset, or Soul Coach because there is no "standardized qualification" in the coaching industry like there might be in other professions...
So what are you? A human being or a human doing?
Most of us spend our entire life as a human doing. We are so busy caught up in the act of living, we forget that we have other reasons to be here on this earth, so what can I do about this? Watch live on Fa...
The Power of Your Reactions
How to navigate the space between reaction and response. Watch live on Facebook.
Listen to the whispers of your body with Tracy L Clark
How to listen to the Whispers of your body so you can create your extraordinary life. Watch live on Facebook.
Major Transformation: Is your plane grounded?
Major Transformaton, we look at how transformation starts, 2 ways transformation occurs and which is easier, as well as what might be keeping your plane grounded and incapable of FLYING HIGH!