Archived Episodes
Let Go of Resentment and Start Manifesting
Understanding resentment: Why it is important and how to let go of it. Stay tuned for a wisdom nugget at the end!
Best Practices To End The Year Gracefully
Why it is important and best rituals to end the year gracefully. Wisdom Nuggets at the end!
Bridging Science and Spirituality in the Decade Ahead with Dr. Theresa Bullard
Dr. Theresa Bullard is a Ph.D. Physicist, the host of “Mystery Teachings” on Gaia TV, and an International Spiritual Teacher with the Modern Mystery School. She merges science, ancient wisdom, and power...
Guest Host Karen Betten:Punk Science: Academic & Scientific Principles to Unite the Mind ...
Join guest host Karen Betten as she welcomes famed author of Punk Science, The Genius Groove, The Magdalene Prophesies, and Internationally known speaker and film maker on science & spirituality, Dr Manjir Sama...
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Co-Hosts: Karen Betten, Colette Marie Stefan
Guest: Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton
Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful L...
Are you living the life you thought you always wanted but feel that something is still missing? Do you think you should be happier than you are, considering all that you have? Have you achieved your professional or...