Archived Episodes
The Vitamin G Lifestyle
In this powerful episode, I help you create a lifestyle based in gratitude that supports your version of success. I walk you through the three areas of the Vitamin G Lifestyle: Mindset, Health and Self-Love so that...
It's Time to Recharge Our HOPE BATTERY for Humanity!!
For this episode I am deviating from my step-by-step episodes for those seeking to overcome their personal challenges that are holding them back from achieving greater levels of love, joy, happines...
Encore: The Subconscious Mind and the Role it Plays in Our Lives with Dr. Robin Moore-Cha...
We have one mind that plays two roles in the direction of our lives. Join me for a powerful conversation with Dr. Robin Moore-Chambers, PhD, LPC, licensed counselor psychologist, on how we can live a successful, jo...
Encore: How the Brain Learns, Creating New Neuro Pathways
Explore the incredible journey your brain takes when absorbing new knowledge and discover the secrets to enhancing your learning abilities. Tune in to get on a journey through the intricate pathways of the mind and...
Are U Ready? Let’s Get To Work – Conquering Our Personal Challenges
Let's Get To Work - Conquering Our Personal Challenges To Become Our Full Potential. To Wake Up Each Day with Meaning, Purpose, Love & Joy!!
Clearing the Path to Vitamin G with special guest, Marci Baron, energy healer and intuiti...
In this amazing episode, energy healer and intuitive guide, Marci Baron walks us through a powerful, yet simple three-step protocol for processing negative feelings and releasing them. By doing this, you pave the w...
Encore: What It Takes to be A Woman in Leadership in Today's Climate
Women holding top executive positions in the U.S. has grown steadily in recent years. Per data from the U.S. Census Bureau; women held 31.7% of top executive positions across industries in 2021
An Authentic & Candid Conversation about Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, & Enlightenment...
There are those who have made major strides to develop their Human Potential. They serve as inspiration and role models for others seeking to Ignite Their Own Potential and on the path of Personal Growth, Self...
Inspiring Growth ~ Igniting Potential: An Introduction to our Podcast
It’s about you, developing your Human Potential. It’s about a choice to make the most out of this life by becoming our full potential. It’s about Mastering Your Life by learning how to Master your...
Trish Smith; From Reckless Teen to Benevolent Guide
In this episode, I take it back to times when I’ve felt angry, lost, afraid, unloved, etc. I give you a peek into who Trish Smith is as a soul, why love is so important to me, who ha...
Vitamin G for Stress
It's become accepted that stress is just part of everyday life. But when did we say yes to having stress take away our joy on a regular basis? It's time to change how we look at stress. In this episode, I guide you...
Encore: Intent is the KEY
So many layers of what some may call "The good Old fabric of of a Person, Society, Community: and relationships have drastically faded to the winds of changing times. This has been so apparent for man...
From Trials to Triumphs
Watch Here:
Vibing with Gratitude with special guest, Leslie Meisel Ellis
Do you feel the energy around you? Do you know how different energies affect you? Would you like to get in touch with the energy of gratitude? Energy is something most of us can't see, but we can feel. In this epis...
It's Your Time to Level Up and Shine
Are you ready to build your brand and make it stronger, become visible and expand your reach?
Gratitude For Business Success with Maria Gavriel, Business and Life Strategist
Running a business is not easy. You’re going to hit bumps, you’re going to face disappointment, and most likely unexpected turns. That is why it’s so critical to create a realistic, big picture pe...
Mindfulness and Self-Care
The importance of self-care practices for mental and emotional wellness . Watch Here:
Gratitude For Healing with Christine Egan, breast cancer survivor and author
Gratitude is an essential ingredient for true healing. During this episode, Lorraine talks with Christine Egan, breast cancer survivor and author of The Healthy Girl's Guide To Breast Cancer about how grat...
Overcoming Challenges
Strategies for building resilience and bouncing back from challenges and setbacks Watch Here:
Make Gratitude Work For You
Gratitude has been around for thousands of years, but are you using it daily to improve your life? During this very first episode, Lorraine shares simple, yet powerful tips for practicing what she calls Vitamin G, ...
The Wealthy Woman Mindset
The Wealthy Woman Mindset