Archived Episodes
Getting Aligned and Finding Balance!
Does your mind say one thing, your heart feel something else, and your body gets pulled along for the ride? We need balance, and Sanskrit’s timeless wisdom gives us a clear and practical way to find that bala...
The Story of the Seven Gateways to Transformation with author Gilbert Mane!
The story of the ‘Seven Gateways to Transformation’ takes us on a journey from inquiry and the inspiration to get moving through to reaching the final goal. This journey of transformation is fro...
The 7 Steps and How to Walk Them with author Gilbert S. Mane!
The 7 Steps set out the process and journey of transformation. This transformation is from victim to victor, from a state of limitation to abiding limitlessness. In this show, Sarah interviews Gilbe...
Literacy Scores-Riley! College Planning-Rodriguez! Body Balance-Dr. Barnard! Fetal Surger...
Christina Riley discusses the EL Education literacy program results and how similar results can be achieved in other school districts. Why after 20 years of reform are student scores stagnant on the Nation’s ...
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Christina Riley , Priscilla Rodriguez , Dr. Neal Barnard , Dr. Scott Adzick
Energizing - Light the F.U.S.E for Conscious Confidence!
Energizing is living each day with enthusiasm, creativity and vitality through taking dynamic action. Having clear thought and taking effective action is a natural way of living for a human being, J...
Keep It Simple Sweetheart!
Live by the K.I.S.S. principle – Keep It Simple Sweetheart! Simplifying means staying with the essentials and letting go of the non-essentials. Join Sarah as she talks about the danger of busy-ness in...
United We Stand, Divided We Fall
There is an underlying unity in all situations. Every moment is full of a rich diversity of sights, sounds and experiences which can become divisions if we miss the unifying factor. Explore with Sar...
New Light Living: See Your Life In a New Light with guest Ulrika Sullivan!
Create more ease, fun, balance and calm in life's stressful day-to-day situations. No more suffering. A lot more joy! Ready to See your Life in a New Light? And live your Ideal Dream Day, every day! Watch l...
Your Attitude -Take Your Pick!
We live in a Starbucks-style society of endless choices. But when Attitude is on the menu, the choice is clear and simple - Positive or Negative and only we can make that choice for ourselves. Be ch...
Your Core Values – Plugging into your Powerhouse!
Asking big questions takes courage, but it’s worth it! Discovering your Core Values is the way to foundations and roots that give you the anchor to confidence that everyone wants. Join Sarah a...
A Conversation to Inspire You to Discover Conscious Confidence!
Be inspired by Sarah’s journey of awakening to limitless consciousness in writing her first book “Conscious Confidence – use the wisdom of Sanskrit to find clarity and success.” Join...
The Presence of Sanskrit - Hiding in Plain Sight!
Sanskrit is actually everywhere in our everyday life – it’s hiding in plain sight. The language we use, both in our self-talk and in our spoken expression, creates our life experience. So in har...
Sanskrit - a Gateway to Clarity, Success and Confidence!
People ask Sarah how they can harness the power of Sanskrit like she has without necessarily committing to a lifetimes study like she has. The secret is to be still and connect with the present moment and hear the ...
Integrative and Holistic Balance
Do you ever find yourself functioning like a machine – on autopilot; feeling disconnected from yourself and those around you? What about feeling overwhelmed with all you have on your plate and unsure how to f...
Alexis Brink author of The Art of Jin Shin!
The Japanese ancient healing art of Jin Shin, balancing your body and heal yourself with your own hands, clear step by step Illustrated guide written by a trained expert with three decades of experience.
Excuse Me..... Did You Say Sanskrit! The Surprising Relevance of Sanskrit for Today
Excuse me did you say Sanskrit…yes Sanskrit, the language of the universe and a mother of languages! Sanskrit has a surprising relevance for today to help in facing the challenges of transitioning into adult...
Wisdom of the Wolves, Part II
Julia will share more information about the wolves and their perceptions of this point in time. You'll learn the difference between what we think and feel - and how the wolves think we should change our everyday be...
The Creative Genius of Dr. Darvish and Holistique Groundbreaking IV Lounge: Infusing Heal...
Holistique IV Lounge is Washington's first IV Lounge and aimed to set the bar high. The only place to come in to be infused with health and wellbeing! Experience relaxation, rejuvenation, elation, balance, ...
Strength: Meditations for Wisdom, Balance, & Power with author Sue Patton Thoele!
Strength is a compilation of bite-size stories, musings, and meditations on becoming stronger, happier, healthier, and more compassionately powerful. The author helps readers accept, honor, and activate their inher...
You Are Limitless Consciousness – how writing my first book allowed me to communicate this
You'll be inspired by Sarah’s journey of awakening to limitless consciousness in writing her first book “Conscious Confidence – use the wisdom of Sanskrit to find clarity and success.” ...
Month of Love: Self-Love, Self-Care and You
February is the month of love. Let's end this month celebrating the one you should love the most: YOURSELF! Learn how "Loving It Up...
Live, Love, Let Go!
Who Am I? A question of the ages for all of us. A question with a hard answer when looking at 'who am i?' and 'who do I want to be?'. A dilemma for many, including myself, to answer and be happy wit...
All things in loving balance with Erica Mills
We have all had that overwhelming feeling and being “out of sorts”. We get so laser focused on a goal or event that we forget about everything else. Having balance in all areas of our lives, in all body...
The Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine with Kornelia Stephanie and Rober...
To Become Equals we must first balance the masculine and feminineenergies within us. We must detach from the mind and use our feelingsto tap into the eternal love that is there. We are the pioneers that...