Archived Episodes
Freedom from Financial Pain. With Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Having successfully overcome money shame, Kornelia is on a mission to instigate a national conversation about money so that you and your loved ones, do not end up another statistic of the...
Spiral up with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends.
The Spiritual path we are on is always asking us to align with our truth. The old conditioning is always coming up so we can let it go and align more and more with the truth, our authentic truth. ...
Change Your Mind, A Free Online Event with host Kornelia Stephanie!
Are you one of those people that loves change? Or do you resist it? The only thing we can count on in this modern day world is constant change. Leadership is about change. Being Leaders in our own life takes courag...
The Purpose & Power of Embracing Our Intuition with Carlenia Springer
Many people struggle with finding their purpose as they navigate life’s challenges. For those who are drawn to making a difference in the world there are subtle messages that serve as signs guiding us to our ...