Archived Episodes
Feel the V.I.B.E.! How to Powerup in Midlife.
In this powerful episode, Lynnis Woods-Mullins and I will turn you onto the V.I.B.E, a philosophy of living life with more vibrance, intuition, beauty, and empowerment. Midlife...
Make Gratitude Work For You
Gratitude has been around for thousands of years, but are you using it daily to improve your life? During this very first episode, Lorraine shares simple, yet powerful tips for practicing what she calls Vitamin G, ...
"What does menopause have to do with women's empowerment?"
In this episode Dr. Rose Kumar and I are going to blow up all the old myths and stereotypes about menopause and teach you how this natural life change can actually be a time of great empowerment.
The Anti-Resolution Solution
In this episode I am going blow your mind on the topic of New Year’s Resolutions and how to create lasting change. We will explore why this ancient tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions does ...
The Living Library with special guest- Mary Madeiras
This week on the show, I am interviewing 3x Emmy Award winner, Mary Madeiras about her work as a television network director and Akashic Records Practitioner. My guest has spent 40 year...
Holiday Survival Guide: Time for a Self-Love Bootcamp
In this episode I am going to take you on journey of self-kindness practices just in time to overcome the holiday burnout and exhaustion many women feel, as we take on even more holiday tasks and respon...
The Barbie Movie: Taking this Child's Toy From Feminist Villain to Empowerment Hero.
In this episode we are going to unpack the powerful messages in this blockbuster hit, how award winning movie director Greta Gerwig took a child's toy from a feminist villain to an empowerment hero.
Two Old Broads Comparing Notes: The state of women’s empowerment in the 21st Century.
Dr. Pat Baccili and Dr. Diane Garrison explore the concept of becoming Full Power, share their own journeys to personal empowerment and the impact of growing up in the age of the Women’s Movemen...
Ignite my Full Power? What the heck does that even mean?
In this episode, we are going to knock your socks off so that you can ignite your Full Power. We will help you understand what full-strength personal empowerment looks like and why we struggle to achieve it.
Boundaries, they are required when Empowered
Boudaries are crucial when healing, getting to know yourself, and of course when Empowering yourself. They will help you understand what you wont tolorate that disrupts your peace.
It is time, the long awaited Empower yourself to 6 figures
So The long awaited Empower yourself to build your confidence from adversities,No more obstacles you cant Overcome. Your ticket to being what you and doing what you want, and take that courage, to know you ca...
Getting Empowered, The Power within!
Empowerment! The ability or capacity of an individual, group, amd /or communities to take control of their own circumstances, Exercise power, and achieve anything they want. My Course The Power Within, will g...
Embracing Humility, and leadership
Embracing Humility, and the ability of being humble.and using that as a leader. Leaders are leaders for a reason, having empathy is important and humility equally important, We will discuss the meaning and how its ...
Breaking the Cycle of Powerlessness: How To Overcome Subconscious Survival Patterns with ...
When you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, just keeping your emotions in check seems like a full-time job. Yet, what may hold you back in life, even more, are your survival patterns...
Removing Co-Dependency from Your Decision Making
Do you feel like the one everyone comes to? Do you find yourself thinking or even worrying about the impact the decisions in your life will have on those around you – to a fault? Do you suffer from the inabil...
Digging in the Deep ~ healing with Self-talk
How our daily narrative affects our lives.
How the First Five years Form Who We are Today
The children that need us the most are not always the ones we realize need us.
IT’S NOT ABOUT THE BANANA! With Guest, Author Tonya De'laine!
Do you feel unhappy? Are you full of shame? Does it seem as if life has thrown you a bag of ick? If that is true for you, then Author Tonya Stadlman has the solution. Not only is her solution applicable to everyday...
You are never too young, too old, too shy, or too anything for that matter to become an u...
Do you feel as though your life is on autopilot, day in and day out, month after month, and possibly even year after year? Do you feel that even though your life is not terrible, there should be more to ...
Journaling as a Compelling Practice for Leaders
-Learn how to better manage stress.-Experience how Increased self-awareness also creates better boundaries instead of burnout.-Plus some prompts to start journaling as a leader.
Catch Your CrAzY!!!! Do you know enough about your signature crazy to catch it before it'...
This past weekend I found myself irritable. More irritable than usual. I became abrupt and short with my words with my family. I found myself "venting" more than I'm comfortable with. The story I told myself was, "...
Welcome to 2023, A Year of Great Change. It's up to us to support each other and share o...
We are saying Goodbye to 2022, a challenging year of lessons for many of us. We have learned a lot. We welcome 2023 with our newfound wisdom, courage, and strength as we pioneer into unknown terri...
Get stronger and more physically present to support a stronger immune system with Dr. Kar...
Listen to tips on how to integrate your body and soul using a committed and fun practice. Get out of the old rut of not feeling good and seeing muscles atrophy.
911 Tour Soul with Jeanine Thompson
Leveraging her own powerful story and those of her clients, Thompson introduces us to seven key spiritual principles-The Soul Solution-that empower us to answer the call from our Soul and unleash our highest potent...