Archived Episodes
Moving Through Emotional Triggers with Ease with Leone Dyer
Life can be stressful, overwhelming, and challenging; now add the pressures of social media into the mix and you are one hot mess. What if you had 3 quick easy steps that brought you from anxiety to calm? Join...
Have a Partner in your Corner - Fitness and Nutrition Training with a personal coach
Good health and wellness is multi-dimensional. Fitness and nutrition goes hand in hand. Having someone in your corner makes a huge difference to your success. Join Erica Gifford Mills with guest host, Lin...
You got this! With Dr. Dain Heer
From coping to creation!
Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 4 with Kornelia ...
I champion Humanity's Sovereignty the authority over one's own life as empowered creation. How can you/we create and sustain a good life for ourselves? Be In your truth, and In your power, you are rewriting the sto...
Insights and tips on how rekindle your passions to live the life you dream of with Dr. Dr...
What happened to you? I mean what happened to YOU…not what happened to you the wife or husband or you the mom or dad or you the employee… What happened to you the dreamer, the lover, the adventurer? W...
Getting Excited About Fear! with Special Guest Tanis McRae!
How facing our inner fears empowers us to navigate this pivotal time in our evolution! Watch live on Facebook.
The Shadowland Tarot with Special Guest Monica Bodirsky!
For beginners as well as seasoned readers, this Tarot deck and accompanying guidebook provide you with the vital creative tools you need to access your shadows and reveal hidden truths. The book consists of a detai...
Changing the Conversation from Money to Vision Part 1 with Joan Sharp
An Empowering Conversation about Vision then money.
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 10: Emotional Edge Empowerment for Women With Dana T...
See or hear the word “empowerment” much? It’s everywhere. Literally. Buzz words can border on buzz kill. But what does ‘empowerment’ really mean when it comes to how you show up in lif...
The MANScript with Guest Julia Keys!
The MANScript is the ultimate guide to surviving and thriving during and after experiencing infidelity by Julia Keys (wife of sports presenter Richard Keys) and her best friend Jacqui Coles. There IS a script to in...
Biggest Challenges Women Face in Recovery!
Women and men use drugs for different reasons and in different ways. Women experience addiction differently, and even relapse for different reasons. What unique obstacles do women face in early recovery? A poignant...
Having a podcast radio show is like showing up for a keynote speech.
Having a podcast radio show is like showing up for a keynote speech. It offers you the Entrepreneur on the leading edge of the 21 century the opportunity to create content in real-time. Being on the number one netw...
Get Unstuck in 2020 with Guest Host Tracy L Clark!
Many people are stuck because they are living in the past. Is that you? Have you ever caught yourself saying i wish i had many different choices. The reality is you are here now and the choices you have made are pe...
From not good enough to enough with Kornelia Stephanie. I AM Worthy.
In this evolutionary time, you are in you may be feeling insecure about shining your light, about speaking your truth and standing up for yourself as good enough. Maybe there is someone in your life that is trigger...
Your Inner Power with Cynthia Segal
This episode talks about accessing your inner power and the diversity of your authentic nature. Through stories and events - related to the wolves - you'll discover possibilities in the magical, spiritual world.
Integrative and Holistic Balance
Do you ever find yourself functioning like a machine – on autopilot; feeling disconnected from yourself and those around you? What about feeling overwhelmed with all you have on your plate and unsure how to f...
Tarot for Troubled Times with Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed!
Each of us has a shadow that darkens our inner and outer lives. In Tarot for Troubled Times, Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed show us how working with the shadow—facing it directly, leaning into it rather than a...
Freedom from Financial Pain. With Kornelia Stephanie and Friends
Having successfully overcome money shame, Kornelia is on a mission to instigate a national conversation about money so that you and your loved ones, do not end up another statistic of the...
Spiral up with Kornelia Stephanie and Friends.
The Spiritual path we are on is always asking us to align with our truth. The old conditioning is always coming up so we can let it go and align more and more with the truth, our authentic truth. ...
Transcending Spiritual Cliches with guest Christine Upchurch!
If you’re on your conscious path, you’re probably familiar with many phrases that are meant to offer spiritual guidance. But often those very phrases become trite New Age cliches that can get in the way...
The Ecosystem Approach a revolutionary way to find and ADDRESS what’s truly holding you b...
The Ecosystem Approach was created by a two Intuitives who are married to each other! Find out how they got started and learned how to make life better for our clients over the last 20 years! The Ecosystem Approach...
“Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 2" With Dana Theriault
What do you believe about Women’s Health since the 'information age’? Do you believe that women are claiming more or less personal authority over their own bodies? Has women’s health really benefi...
College Scholarship-Rodriguez! Senior Health-Klenfner & Switzer! PETA rescues-Leonardo! S...
Priscilla Rodriquez discusses the six key steps all students can take!Parents: Guide your kids through the college planning process the college planning process. The College Board provides tips...
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Host: Dr. Pat Baccili
Guests: Priscilla Rodriguez , Carol Klenfner & Katherine Switzer , John Di Leonardo , Lee Abbamonte , John Sellers