Archived Episodes

Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

Sanskrit - a Gateway to Clarity, Success and Confidence!

People ask Sarah how they can harness the power of Sanskrit like she has without necessarily committing to a lifetimes study like she has. The secret is to be still and connect with the present moment and hear the ... 

  Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

Encore: The Seven Steps from Inspiration to Transformation

Transforming our worry and lack of self-confidence into inner-strength and resilience may seem a random and chaotic journey. There are actually seven steps or gateways to any transformation. Learn about these seven... 

  Thursday, August 1, 2019

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili, Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

Excuse Me..... Did You Say Sanskrit! The Surprising Relevance of Sanskrit for Today

Excuse me did you say Sanskrit…yes Sanskrit, the language of the universe and a mother of languages! Sanskrit has a surprising relevance for today to help in facing the challenges of transitioning into adult... 

  Monday, July 15, 2019

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Living Lighter Radio with Jason & Patricia: An Ecosystem Approach to Your Life!

Freedom - real freedom is NOT political, its internal

A lot has been said about freedom these days, especially in the political realm! We have observed over the years, there is a lack of freedom in relationships and its almost epidemic! Many have allowed themselves to... 

  Monday, June 17, 2019

Hosts: Jason Rohn, Patricia Rohn

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

"You Have not Lost Your Innocence: Healing Through Forgiveness" with Dennis Gaither

You have not lost your innocence. It is for this you yearn. This is your heart’s desire. This is the voice you hear and this the call which cannot be denied. ~A Course in Miracles~ 

  Friday, April 26, 2019

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Dennis Gaither

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

You Are Limitless Consciousness – how writing my first book allowed me to communicate this

You'll be inspired by Sarah’s journey of awakening to limitless consciousness in writing her first book “Conscious Confidence – use the wisdom of Sanskrit to find clarity and success.” ... 

  Thursday, April 4, 2019

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Guest Host Nova Wightman: Align with Who You Really Are for 2019 and Beyond

Behind every experience in our lives there is one single factor that determines the quality and success of it: whether or not we are in a state of vibrational alignment with it and, overall, with Who We Really Are.... 

  Monday, December 17, 2018

Hosts: Nova Wightman, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Millionaire Imprint for Women

Abundant wealth with Susan Glavin? Call into the show at 1-800-930-2819

Our energy is one of our most valuable resources. Do you know where your energy is flowing, and to what in your life?  

  Friday, September 21, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Susan Glavin

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

The Seven Steps from Inspiration to Transformation

Transforming our worry and lack of self-confidence into inner-strength and resilience may seem a random and chaotic journey. There are actually seven steps or gateways to any transformation. Learn about these seven... 

  Monday, September 17, 2018

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

The Mirror to Your Waking Life with Kelly Lydick, M.A.

Your Dreams hold invaluable insight into your beliefs, emotions, and your waking life. In this show, we’ll discuss the nature of dreams and how you can get started with your own personal dream practice. 

  Friday, September 14, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Kelly Lydick

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Encore: "How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste

June 8, 2012 D-Day (Life can turn on a dime)The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have promp... 

  Friday, September 7, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Dawn Diviniste

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

The Art of Living with Conscious Confidence

Are you living unconsciously by default and desperation? The source of confidence is self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-understanding. The art of living intentionally with conscious confidence... 

  Monday, August 20, 2018

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

The Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine with Kornelia Stephanie and Rober...

To Become Equals we must first balance the masculine and feminineenergies within us. We must detach from the mind and use our feelingsto tap into the eternal love that is there. We are the pioneers that... 

  Friday, July 27, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Robert Skeele

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

I Have Nothing with Brooke Foreman

Big divorce, sold everything, changed my whole life to move to Kauai and start over. The rest is her-story ! A painful and shocking divorce lead Brooke to an awakening. Her decision to choose vibrant l... 

  Friday, July 13, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Brooke Foreman

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste

The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have prompted me to share my story... “How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One.”  

  Friday, July 6, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Dawn Diviniste

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy

Claim your Authority. Call into the show. 1800-930-2819

I change people’s lives by helping them become the authority of their own lives. If you are not the authority somebody else is. In this evolutionary time you are in, you may be feeling insecure about shining ... 

  Thursday, July 5, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Project Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte

Project Heaven on Earth:  The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily is a ground-breaking book.  In it you&rsquo... 

  Friday, June 22, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Martin Rutte

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Conscious Confidence Radio - A Timeless Wisdom with Sarah Mane

A Deep Dive into Resilience, Self Esteem and Balance through Conscious Confidence

Resilience, self-esteem and balance are found through establishing deep roots, a deep connection with our true self. This connection is the solution to the ‘rootlessness’ that many people ex... 

  Monday, June 18, 2018

Co-Hosts: Sarah Mane, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

"How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste

June 8, 2012 D-Day (Life can turn on a dime)The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have promp... 

  Friday, June 8, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Dawn Diviniste

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: It's All About Energy


EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, VIBRATION, AND FREQUENCY.  It’s my honor and pleasure to assist anyone who wants to call in and receive support in moving thr... 

  Thursday, June 7, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Are you taking advantage of ALL the resources and guidance available to you? Seen or Unse...

There is a team of light beings- Angels, guides, Ascended Masters and Star Families ready to support and serve YOU! Do you have an intimate relationship with your “A” Team? 

  Friday, May 25, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Susan Glavin

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