The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Discovering Gratitude Part One, with Noah Gabriel Press McIntyre

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Discovering Gratitude Part One, with Noah Gabriel Press McIntyre

  09/06/2024  09:30 am PDT

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Discovering Gratitude Part One, with Noah Gabriel Press McIntyreIn this first episode of a two-part series, Noah Gabriel Press McIntyre, founder of, shares his inspiring approach to discovering gratitude in a way you've probably never experienced before. As a Gratitude Coach, Consultant, Workshop Leader, and Keynote Speaker, Noah is dedicated to giving you the opportunity to experience gratitude in every aspect of life. I'm super excited for you to follow along as Noah helps us take gratitude to a powerful new level by guiding us to expand our gratitude in the moment and scale up. This episode is sure to offer you renewed appreciation for what gratitude can do to improve your life. Enjoy!


Free Event:

Thank and Grow Workshop, November 2024

Visit and sign up at the bottom of the page. Include Thank and Grow Workshop in the Comment Section.


Learn the Vitamin G Practice in Episode 1:

Remember to check out Make Gratitude Work For You, where I teach you how to create a very powerful gratitude practice I call Vitamin G and how to get the most out of it, along with tips for sticking with it. I also share my personal journey and how I discoverd the power of gratitude.

My gift to you!

I have a special gift to help you practice what I call, the "special sauce" of Vitamin G. Download your free guided meditation, Nourishing Gratitude, at and practice focusing on the feeling of gratitude every day. This is the perfect way to dissolve stress and redirect the course of your life by feeling more positive, mindful, hopeful and grateful for the blessings that exist for you in the present moment.

Share your story!

Has gratitude helped you overcome a challenge in your life? Was gratitude part of your healing from illness, injury, trauma or grief? Send us your story to be considered as a featured guest on the show so you can inspire others by sharing how gratitude helped you overcome your challenge.

Please subscribe!

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a positive review and subscribe to the show. It helps more than you know.

Remember, I love you, take your Vitamin G.




Lorraine Miller (host)

The Grateful Health Coach

Instagram: @gratitudetobliss

Facebook: The Grateful Health Coach

Youtube: @gratitudetobliss


Noah Gabriel Press McIntyre (guest)

Instagram: @gratitudecoach

Facebook: Gratitude Noah

Episode giveaways:

  • Visit and click on Contact. Thank and Grow Workshop virtual holiday gathering. Receive a gratitude meditation and healthy recipes.


Lorraine Miller Host on Transformation Talk Radio - Gratitude to Bliss

Lorraine Miller

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G! 1st & 3rd Fridays  9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET   Are you ready to...

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