Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The Mind-Body Connection – the link between health and illness

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The Mind-Body Connection – the link between health and illness

  06/21/2017  11:00 am PDT

Empowerment Radio with Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The Mind-Body Connection – the link between health and illnessWe are living in a world defined by rapid pace, high unpredictability and intense pressure. No wonder that more and more people suffer from stress and anxiety – emotionally and physically.Research suggests that chronic stress and anxiety are a 30 times higher risk factor for cancer than smoking. On the other hand positive thinking, a self-empowered attitude and optimistic beliefs have shown to stimulate and enhance the health and healing.


So how do we use the mind-body connection to get out of our stress patterns and create more harmony and well-beign - emotionally and physically. Dr. Friedemann Schaub and his guest Johannes Fisslinger, founder of www.lifestyleprescriptions.tv discuss practical and effective solutions to stay healthy and reverse chronic illnesses. 



Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

Dr. Friedemann Schaub, MD Ph.D.

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