Spirit Fire Radio with Hosts Steve Kramer & Dorothy Riddle: The Relationship of Love & Wisdom

Spirit Fire Radio with Hosts Steve Kramer & Dorothy Riddle: The Relationship of Love & Wisdom

  01/03/2018  09:00 am PDT

Spirit Fire Radio with Hosts Steve Kramer & Dorothy Riddle: The Relationship of Love & WisdomLove and wisdom may sound like two separate concepts, but thier relationship is energetically intrinsic. We will spend the month of January discussing the myriad of ways that love and wisdom support each other and support you on the spiritual path. Join us!


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle

Dr. Dorothy Riddle is a psychologist, social change specialist, and spiritual coach. She is Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the School for Esoteric Studies (with wh...

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