Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: Creating a Family Plan for Extra Activities

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: Creating a Family Plan for Extra Activities

  09/23/2019  03:30 pm PDT

Vibrant Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!: Creating a Family Plan for Extra ActivitiesTime and energy can get used up on trivial tasks if you aren’t paying attention. In this episode I share a tool to help you figure out your current picture and ensure you are putting your time and energy into things that are truly important to you.


Debbie Pokornik

Debbie Pokornik

Vibrant, Powerful Moms with Debbie Pokornik - Helping Everyday Women Create Extraordinary Lives!  Often it is the simple, little things you do every day that will have ...

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