Zen & The Art of NLP with Dr. Stephen Simpson: A lot more success with a lot less stress™: The power of advanced communication and influence skills
06/20/2024 09:30 am PDT
Pinpointing exactly when humans learned to speak is tricky because language leaves no fossils behind. Estimates range widely, from tens of thousands to millions of years ago.
Words and how we express them can be a double-edged sword. They can steer us into challenging situations or unlock the doors to a more fulfilling and successful life, underscoring the profound impact of effective communication.
One of the first to realise how powerful speech could be was Bob the Builder. Nobody knows when he lived, but it would have been roughly 30,000 years ago. His story is worth considering because the secrets of communication and influence he discovered are as powerful now as they were then.
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Dr. Stephen Simpson MD
Zen & The Art of NLP with Dr. Stephen Simpson: A lot more success with a lot less stress™ Thursdays 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET Discover the transformative power of Z...
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