Guest Profile

AJ Speiginer

AJ and Phari Speiginer, the founders of Twin Lightz base their practice and services on their own personal spiritual awakening. In the beginning of their journey, Archangel Michael revealed himself to them and gave them specific task for them to complete. This is when they learned that they are Twin Flames.

Before the path to their own enlightenment started, AJ & Phari were "ordinary people." AJ worked in the mortgage and banking industry as a quality analyst and Phari worked in the medical supply industry as a diabetic coordinator. Neither of them had any idea of the extraordinary gifts and purpose that they held.

They went through an accelerated awakening process for over 2 years, learning, growing remembering and practicing their natural gifts with direct guidance by their spiritual team which includes their higher selves, spirit guides, divine Archangels, Ascended Masters and their heavenly Father.

They were told to utilize their gifts to fulfill their purpose which is to "finish their Fathers business" by helping, healing and guiding his children to do the same.
