Archived Episodes

Get Big Out Loud with Kari: Living the Complex, Funny, & Beautiful Ride of Life

The Case for Travel

In this episode of Get Big Out Loud, we’ll talk about the case for travel and the important things we can learn in the process.Whether visiting a new part of town, going on a trip to a different state, or tra... 

  Monday, July 8, 2024

Co-Hosts: Kari Knutson M.A., Dr. Pat Baccili

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Evolving Together with Christine L'Abbé: Beyond the diagnosis - into a new realm of possibilities

Slowing Down to Connect: Creating Optimal Learning Environments for Neurodiverse Children

  Are you struggling to create a supportive and enriching environment for your neurodiverse child? Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressure to constantly 'fix' perceived issues rather than celeb... 

  Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Host: Christine L'Abbé

Guest: Judith Dack

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The Empowered Living Zone™ with Dr. A: You Are Meant for More!

Episode 13. Title: What Is All this Buzz about Mindfulness?

Today, we’re diving deep into mindfulness -- what it means, how it cultivates self-awareness, strengthens the witnessing mind, and why is important in our everyday lives. We explore its transformative po... 

Elevated Resonance with Daniel Rutschmann: Celebrate a Life Worth Living

The role of our brain

What role does the brain play when it comes to resilience and in our life overall?  

  Thursday, May 2, 2024

Co-Hosts: Daniel Rutschmann, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Zen & The Art of NLP with Dr. Stephen Simpson: A lot more success with a lot less stress™

The Power of Intuition

Did you know that many people rely heavily on their intuition and are convinced it works for them? They know there is a big difference between what they think, and what they know.   Watch Dr. S... 

  Thursday, April 18, 2024

Host: Dr. Stephen Simpson MD

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The Empowered Living Zone™ with Dr. A: You Are Meant for More!

You Got it All Wrong—The Real Purpose of Lived Experience, PART II

This episode is Part II of the series, Lived Experience.  In this episode, we continue to discuss why learning to take in experiences and to metabolize them are important to one's self-empowerment.  We wi... 

  Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Host: Dr. Charleanea Arellano Ph.D.

Guest: Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Empowered Living Zone™ with Dr. A: You Are Meant for More!

The Ego: Friend AND Foe aka "Sneaky Little Bastard!"

In this episode, we discuss how the Ego can either help or hinder your ability to step into your personal power to create what you want out of your life.  We give examples of how the Ego can run amok in our li... 

  Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Host: Dr. Charleanea Arellano Ph.D.

Guest: Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Empowered Living Zone™ with Dr. A: You Are Meant for More!

The EGO is not your Enemy and Here’s Why.

In today's episode, we will discuss what Ego is and how it is an important partner, along with your Essence, in self-empowerment.   Watch Here: https... 

  Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Host: Dr. Charleanea Arellano Ph.D.

Guest: Dr. Pat Baccili

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Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw

What is Your #1 Relationship Weakness?

Have you come far enough along in your personal awareness journey to truly identify what your biggest relationship weakness is? Here are a few ideas for you: Emotional Withholding, lack of communication, too much c... 

  Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Host: Susan Denee

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Life Engineering with Gabriela Embon: Processes that combine Science, Wisdom, & Spirituality to create a life of no regrets.

Discover my purpose-made easy

What to do when you have not a clue, clarity or answers for yourself. Join Gabriela and Dr. Pat and find out why it is important and how to find your purpose. 

  Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Co-Hosts: Gabriela Embon BSc, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Damayanti: For Your Soul with Sarah Mane

The Power of Listening

Listening is a skill that can be learnt, practised and mastered. It pays huge dividends, as it leads to understanding, empathy, knowledge and wisdom. Join Sarah as she opens a magical doorway into the powerful and ... 

  Thursday, October 26, 2023

Host: Sarah Mane

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Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw

Top 4 Lessons in Sponsoring Women in Recovery

For those of us who get sober in the rooms of recovery, dare I say, AA, NA, MA or the likes, we understand the ultimate goal is to give back what has been given freely to us. It’s the icing on the cake per se... 

  Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Host: Susan Denee

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Cuz Its EaZy with Coach EZ: Empowered Empath Empowering Mindsets and Building Confidence through Adversities!

The Power Within. The FACTS To empowering yourself to that mindset.

We are going to talk about the F.A.C.T.S to gaining the confidence needed to Empowerment.  Focus, Awareness, Courage, Tenacity, and Spirit, Focus like an Eagles Vision, Awareneness of whats is happening with a... 

  Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Host: Coach Ez (Eric) Akkerman

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Damayanti: For Your Soul with Sarah Mane

Is the Present Moment Just for the Privileged Few?

Everyone talks about the importance of living in the Now, why is it so important? Join Sarah as she delves into this important aspect of mindfulness and living in the Here and Now. She also leads an easy guided awa... 

  Thursday, September 14, 2023

Host: Sarah Mane

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Attuned For Wholeness with Lisa Pinney: Tune In and Get Tuned Up

Let's Get Curious About Our Anger

We rage, we resist, we suppress. What if we got curious about the reason our anger is showing up? In this episode, we'll address the role of anger and healthy ways to express ourselves   Watch ... 

  Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Host: Lisa Pinney

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LIFE in Full Expression with Beth Wolfe: Explore, Elevate, and Expand

3 Strategies to Break the Cycles of Problems and Create the Powerful & Wealthy Mindset

Today's Episode I share from one of my favorite Metaphysician thought leaders, Neville Goddard.  He was amazing at explaining wisdom and what it takes to apply that very wisdom to truly awaken oneself from the... 

  Monday, July 10, 2023

Host: Beth Wolfe

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Job Market for Grads-Andrew McCaskill! Migraine Prevention-Dr. O’Brien & Kelsi Owens! Nat...

Andrew McCaskill is a career expert at LinkedIn. He joins us to discuss the job market for this year's grads. So, what do you do if you're an entry-level professional taking your first steps in an ... 

Know Your Crazy with Susan Denee: Emotional Recovery in the Raw

Intro to psychedelics for mental health with special Guest Greg Rea

Do you suffer from PTSD? What about depression? Have you tried nearly every anti-depressant on the market and still feel hopeless about a solution? If so, you may be aware of the recent upswing in the discussion su... 

  Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Host: Susan Denee

Guest: Greg Rea

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Damayanti: For Your Soul with Sarah Mane

Mindfulness & Presence: What is it and why should we bother?

There is a lot of talk these days about the power and benefit of Mindfulness.  What is it exactly and why should we take the time to be present.  Join Sarah as she explains the power and value of ... 

  Thursday, June 22, 2023

Host: Sarah Mane

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The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!

Smooth Sailing? How to Navigate Life’s Transitions with Special Guest Sarah Mane of Damay...

The key question we all face is how to deal with change and life’s challenges.  How do we maintain our equilibrium and our self-confidence s we pass through the many transitions of life?  Join Dr Pa... 

  Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Sarah Mane

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Moving Forward For Life with Rosita: Discover Your Way Home

3 Similarities between Toxic Relationships and Perfectionism with Special Guest, Desiree ...

Back in the 80’s through the 90’s I don’t remember the word or topic of ‘Toxicity” coming up in conversation. Traditionally, toxic relationships were a norm, ... 

  Friday, May 12, 2023

Host: Rosita M. Perez

Guest: Desiree Caminos

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Redefine Your Worthiness with Caurel Richards: Step into Your Power to Unleash your True Potential

The Truth behind Theta Healing with Megan Thomas

In this week's episode, Megan and I discuss the magic of Theta Healing and power of owning your hidden gifts. You're in for a treat!  

  Friday, April 14, 2023

Host: Caurel Richards

Guest: Megan Thomas

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Redefine Your Worthiness with Caurel Richards: Step into Your Power to Unleash your True Potential

Discovering Your "Why" then what...with Shana Robinson

"The two most important days in your life are&n... 

  Friday, March 10, 2023

Host: Caurel Richards

Guest: Shana Robinson

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Family Healing with Rose: Take responsibility and ownership of your energy

The Myths of becoming you!

The 9 myths that make you give your power away!   Watch 

  Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Co-Hosts: Rose Salkova, Dr. Pat Baccili

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