Archived Episodes
Speak the Language of Energy
Quote: Energy has its own language. Description: This podcast is centered around Energy and how tocommunicate with it. Watch:
Attitude of Gratitude with special guest- Michelle La Vergne
This year of 2025 is showing itself to be one of extreme change. Whether we like it or don't is really irrelevant, because these times are demanding that we show up for ourselves in ways that many of us may n...
Description: Learn to detach from experiences that no longer serve you. Quote: "Neutralize the low-vibrational energies that surround your p...
High Vibrational Wellness with special guest- Lainie Sevante Wulkan
This special guest is the Founder of the Center for Intuitive Food Therapy, creator of 2 food oracle decks, and the author of several intuitive healing books using the power of food to nourish and enhance our exper...
Quote: "Transitions can be a challenge to you when you become emotionally attached to them". Desciption: Change can be a ch...
Cleaning up your life… are you supporting or hindering your self?
Join Rev. Christine and Dr Pat for a lively discussion on what holds people stuck. How can we start "cleaning up the past" and what does this term even mean?
Impeccable Self- Care with Pam Bright
In this episode, Pam will share how she takes care of herself with her Full Body System Wellness protocols in the New Year of 2025. What does it feel like to take on wellness for you? Yes,...
Get on Up!
Quote: Don’t be afraid of coming into your true self. Release those low-vibrational thoughts and emotions. They no longer serve you for it is time to comeinto your true nature of ...
The Calm in the Storm with special guest- Jesica Henderson
When change occurs in life, the tendency in human beings is to judge it. Sometimes, there is so much going on that it can feel chaotic and scary. In this episode, Jesica Henderson, the executive produ...
Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Quote: Shake off the old ways. Roll up your sleeves. Get ready for the ride intochange producing a new you, who is confident, filled with self-love, andabounding in opulent prosperity.
The Art of Being Fully Human with special guest- Amy Rose Romero
This week's special guest is my friend and personal growth and development enthusiast. Amy Romero is committed to living her life authentically and with all of the gusto that she can muster. As she does...
Get Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ into the New Year
Quote: Relish in your newness! Regenerate your spirit! Reknow your greatness! Description: This week’s Podcast is about being in the high-frequen...
Encore: Happy New Year 2024 with special guest- Nanci Drew
Last month Nanci and Pam had so much fun bringing in the energies for December. So, we are bringing in the New Year strong, once again. What does 2024 have to offer all of us? Please join us as we...
Give Yourself a Chance
Quote: Your answers to questions in your life are only found internallybecause your trueness resides within you. Description: The discussion evolves around feel...
Encore: Happy Holidays from Pam and David!
Pam Bright and David Buck, the empowered couple will be celebrating the holidays with all of you tuning in to our show. As we celebrate Christmas in our household this December, we will be highlighting some o...
Tis the Reason to be Joyful!
Quote: Practice being joyful. It is your divine right! Description: Today’s Podcast is focused on JOY. How do you create moreJOY in your life? Also, Explo...
It's beginning alot like Christmas with Pam Bright
This week on the show, Pam will be talking about the holiday season and our emotional well-being. How do we take care ourselves during times of high stress and unpredictability?
Break Free from Your Fears
Quote: Fear is a construct to make you believe that you are less than what youare. Description: Explore what fear is, when it is detrimental, and how to rid
Be who you are and Honor yourself with Pam Bright
This week on the show, Pam will once again, bring her life coaching and healing skills to the forefront for you. As a life coach, her spirituality is the most important thing to Pam and she b...
Know Your Purpose in This Life
Quote: What is your purpose? It is to love yourself unconditionally and beOne within. Description: Today’s discussion focuses on the main question that we...
Teachings from Seth with John Friedlander.
Seth, a multidimensional intelligence, was first channeled by Jane Roberts in the 1970s, inspiring a world of spiritual explorers. John Friedlander, an author, clairvoyant, and deep meditator was present in Jane&rs...
Oh No! Not Me!
Quote: When individuals attempt to defame you or try to make you feelunworthy, remember that they are showing you who they are. It is not you. Description: Lear...
Encore: Happy Thanksgiving 2023
This week on the show we get to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States of America. It has been honored as the day of giving thanks for our blessings by many people from many walks of life and many tradit...
Coping with Goodness
Quote: This life is an interesting phenomenon in which everything works for yourgood. However, sometimes you do not recognize this to be true because yourchallenges can feel over whelmi...